Are you aware of a Dictionary for the usage of Koine Greek as a living language? Or possibly if there may be one online that a community of believers may be adding to, such as with the online lexicon I have seen in relation to Bill Mounce for New Testament Koine Greek?
You already have the beginning of one of sorts, as you are providing listings including the sources on your Facebook page.
Thank you again for your time!
If you're limiting yourself to the vocabulary of the Greek New Testament, you can use the to work backwards from English to Greek. You can also access the Woodhouse English-to-Greek Dictionary, which has to do with Attic, but is also very useful.
Here is a spreadsheet with core vocabulary and a phrasebook for commonly used words in teaching Greek.
Well I stayed up until 3:30am, but I now have posted a basic/foundational Lexicon on the website based on Josephus's works. Enjoy!
I plan to add more as I am able and also refine the search function, but it is at least a start!
Thank you for sharing, i I was simply wondering as it seems one.can get bits and pieces here and there.
There are two or three projects that I have heard of. None are yet comprehensive. I think Paul Nitz might have been working on something too. Perhaps he can chime in.
I am looking forward to the day when some of these are more comprehensive and more widely available. For now, however, we are lacking.